Get the jump on summer and get some great deals


Except for those who are planning their Caribbean getaway during February, most women are not thinking of swimsuits at the moment.
But they may want to plan ahead if they want to save some money.
Many boutiques and brands are trying to offload last year’s models and have cut their prices considerably. Two for one deals and discounts up to 80 percent off can be found on some websites. Even eBay has some great deals.
Granted, some suits may exhibit the worst aspects of fast fashion – cheap, cheaply made, and probably foul for the environment.
But higher quality brands also are clearing out last year’s stock and they’re there for the picking if you poke around.
Don’t know what shops or brands to look for these deals? The wonder of social media algorithms is that these brands and shops will find you. Just open up one enticing brand via Instagram or Facebook, peruse the website for a bit, and these social media detectives will send other brands your way quicker than at puppy that comes running when you shake the dog biscuit box.
So, cuddle up in that warm blanket, dream of palm trees and beaches, and shop for something to wear when the weather is more appealing.
Models Keyla Rodriguez and Cassandra Dove wear some suits available through